RIM has launched a new app for mobile conferencing for its BlackBerry smartphones. The App is designed for small business users to create up to five different "Conference Profiles" to include necessary teleconferencing dial-in information, such as phone numbers, and participant and moderator access codes.
The main feature of this app is the One Click Join, when your calendar says its time for a conference a pop up appears and all it takes is a single click to join in. The app synchronizes deeply into the native calendar on the phone. It is designed to turn any meeting into a conference call and according to RIM, if by any chance a person is dropped from the call, they can reconnect with just a single click.
The conference calls can also be scheduled from a computer so long as the e-mail has the specific information. The BlackBerry Mobile conferencing app will detect the conference call and be able to join with a click. Security and privacy go hand in hand with BlackBerry, so in the same tradition, when conference calls are sent, participants see only the information they need to join the call.
The conference app which is in beta right now is free and requires BlackBerry OS 5.0 or higher to use. Those who would want to try it would have to sign up into BlackBerry Beta Zone to access these great features.
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