Indian Telecom provider Aircel will launch iPhone 4 in India in the coming months according to a press statement sent out by the company. This comes immediately after Airtel announced its plans to introduce iPhone 4 in India. There's hardly any difference between the press statement issued by both telecom providers which shows the controlled state of affairs aimed to be kept by the always tight-lipped Apple.
Aircel's Press Statement -
New Delhi, Monday, April 11, 2011: Aircel will launch iPhone 4 in India in the coming months. iPhone 4 is the most innovative phone in the world, featuring Apple's stunning Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone and FaceTime, which makes video calling a reality. For more information on iPhone 4 please visit
New Delhi, Monday, April 11, 2011: Aircel will launch iPhone 4 in India in the coming months. iPhone 4 is the most innovative phone in the world, featuring Apple's stunning Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone and FaceTime, which makes video calling a reality. For more information on iPhone 4 please visit
Bharti Airtel's Press Statement -
New Delhi, 11th April 2011: Bharti Airtel will launch iPhone 4 in India in the coming months. iPhone 4 is the most innovative phone in the world, featuring Apple's stunning Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone and FaceTime, which makes video calling a reality. For further information, please visit For more information on iPhone 4 please visit
New Delhi, 11th April 2011: Bharti Airtel will launch iPhone 4 in India in the coming months. iPhone 4 is the most innovative phone in the world, featuring Apple's stunning Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone and FaceTime, which makes video calling a reality. For further information, please visit For more information on iPhone 4 please visit
Neither of the companies have specified the month when iPhone 4 can be expected. If you want to ask us, then we suppose it might be a fortnight before or after the possible announcement of iPhone 5 sometime in June.
Just when the iPhone 4 is officially launched by both Aircel and Airtel, it would be interesting to see the 3G Data Plans offered by both. However, it looks like a long wait.
Just when the iPhone 4 is officially launched by both Aircel and Airtel, it would be interesting to see the 3G Data Plans offered by both. However, it looks like a long wait.
Source : Aircel to Launch iPhone 4 in India
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