Micromax has launched its new A116 Canvas HD smartphone at a press event held in Delhi. The device is priced at Rs. 14,999. The Indian phone maker is known for its budget-friendly handsets and this mid-level device also comes with an attractive set of features. Its flagship model, the A110 Canvas 2, was quite popular and this one takes the performance a notch higher. This affordable smartphone goes by the latest trend and packs in a 5-inch IPS display just like the previous Canvas A110, but with higher 1280 x 720 pixel resolution. It is also Micromax’s first smartphone to feature a quad core processor.
The smartphone is powered by a powerful MediaTek MT6589 1.2 GHz quad core processor, with 1GB RAM. It runs on the Android Jelly Bean 4.1 and comes equipped with a 2100mAh battery. The smartphone comes with an 8MP rear camera with LED flash and multiple camera settings such as night mode and 4X zoom. This 3G enabled phone supports microSD card up to 32GB. Promising superb graphics and HD viewing experience, Micromax targets youth who are always on the lookout for better, faster and savvier smartphones on the move.
Commenting on the launch and association with MediaTek, Deepak Mehrotra, Chief Executive Officer, Micromax, said, “At Micromax, we constantly strive to innovate and develop great technological experiences for our consumers. Today’s launch marks our association with MediaTek to bring forth our first quad core phone in this segment, offering consumers a great user experience with latest features and added functionality. We are excited with the success of Canvas 2, which has clearly established Micromax as number one player in the new 5” phablet category in India. We are looking forward to similar success with the new phone being unveiled today.”
Micromax’s previous popular flagship model, the A110 Canvas 2, came with a 5-inch FWVGA capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 480 x 854 pixels. Equipped with a 2,000mAh Li-ion battery, it offered up to five hours of talk time and up to 180 hours of standby time. The device ran on Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich.
The A116 Canvas HD is expected to be available for purchase starting the first week of February via all major retailers across the nation and all major online stores.
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