Google India has introduced a new format for its media advertisements, called Media Ads. Google's new ad format brings new ways of posting video ads on the Google search page. Unlike the conventional video ads, the Media Ads will feature an exclusive format that will showcase ads on front and centre. The Media Ads is the latest of a series of new ad formats launched by Google India. The Media Ads will be automated and will not depend on keyword based search on or
Google believes the new format will allow media firms to gain more web traffic and further, help create familiarity of the content. "Our research has shown that a substantial number of users are looking to watch the movie trailer or TV show clips on the search results page, which translates into a high response rate for this ad format," says Google India sales head, Praveen Sharma.
The new Media Ad format also aims to change the way users watch video on Google. The search engine has launched a new Lightbox media player. Users can play a video by clicking the thumbnail or 'watch' link. Once clicked, the Lighbox player expands to the centre of the screen, while rest of the page is dimmed. The Media Ads charges will be based on clicks. Google hopes the pricing model of the Media Ads will be easier to budget for media advertisement campaigns.
Our media buying philosophy is very simple. We recognize that our success is in direct relation to our client’s success, so we invest our clients’ advertising media dollars as if they were our own. With knowledge and experience across all media types,
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