Korean electronics giant, Samsung has partnered with Microsoft to launch the first tablet running Windows 8 OS. This announcement should take place during Microsoft’s developers’ conference in California next week. Android tablets aren’t exactly flying off the shelves, which is primarily due to the limitations of Honeycomb. So, it makes sense to expand one's product base with a different OS, which is exactly what Samsung is trying to do. Who knows, maybe Windows 8 could be the next best thing after iOS in the tablet world.
We still don’t know anything about what the tablet will look like or its specifications, but I think it’s safe to assume it won’t be far off from their current offerings. With Apple harrowing Samsung at every turn with lawsuits, it’s not a bad idea to plan for the future. Being a Windows-based tablet, we should be able to expect certain things like a USB port, more than 1GB RAM and possibly HDMI. Samsung may just go with their Super AMOLED Plus screens like the ones used on the Note. The conference will be held from the 13th to the 16th of September, this year. So, I guess we wait till then for more news to pour in.
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