Beetel Teletech has entered an already overcrowded mobile market with the launch of GD470, its first full touchscreen mobile handset for India. The GD470 sports a 2.8-inch screen and comes with dual-SIM capabilities. Beetel Teletech adds that the phone comes with a host of customized applications, which they believe should entice the Indian masses.
Below is the specifications of the Beetel's GD470 :
•2.8-inch, full touchscreen
•1.3 MP camera
•Video play - .3GP, .AVI, .MP4 formats up to 25fps
•MP3 playback facility (MIDI, AMR and WAV support)
•FM radio
•Expandable memory upto 8GB
•1.3 MP camera
•Video play - .3GP, .AVI, .MP4 formats up to 25fps
•MP3 playback facility (MIDI, AMR and WAV support)
•FM radio
•Expandable memory upto 8GB
Additionally, the GD470 comes loaded with 'Beetel World', which includes a host of social networking and infotainment features, like Facebook, Snaptu, Mig 33, Yahoo!, ibibo, Vuclip, Reuters, Hungama and Penguin. Beetel adds that the GD470 can also be used as a sound recorder.
Price specification for Beetel's GD470 is Rs. 3,300.
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