Intex has just launched its second projector phone in India - the V3Show Mini Theatre IN 8809. This is the economical successor to its first 3.2-inch touchscreen projector phone - V.Show 8810 a new type of mobile phone at an affordable price - it can project images on the screen. Spice had recently launched the Popkorn Projector M9000 mobile phone with an inbuilt projector, and it seems that there may be more projector phones coming our way.
The IN 8809 can read Office documents, which gives it extra brownie points as you can use it for your office presentation. A 3.5 mm jack present in the phone lets you connect external speakers while projecting.
Basic phone features include a 2.4 inch 262K color QVGA screen, dual GSM SIM capability, quad band capability, WAP, GPRS, JAVA, 2 MP camera, support to play various video formats including 3GP and AVI, MP3 player with FM radio with scheduled recording and stereo Bluetooth, 87 MB internal memory and support for up to 16 GB T-flash memory card. With support for social networking, and including a motion sensor and mobile tracker, the phone supports Hindi language too, in addition to English. It comes loaded with social networking apps such as Facebook, and mobile web browsers Opera Mini and Bolt. With dimensions of 118 mm x 51 mm x 17.5 mm, this candy bar phone weighs just 142 g. The 1000 mAh battery supports talk time up to 3.5 hours and standby time up to 168 hours.
The Intex V.Show Mini Theatre IN 8809 is priced aggressively at Rs.6,300, which is around 700 rupees less than the recently launched Spice Popkorn M9000, albeit with less features.
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